I'm giddy, we're all very happy, she's HOME! And she loved it and she missed us and she just wants to keep talking and she's exhausted and she's..... now sleeping. :)
Here's some photos, of course! And I'll work on getting a video downloaded too.
Here she is with 2 of her monos (counselors)
Below she is with Antony. She loved graffiti, or mural drawing time. They picked her painting/drawing to make poster size and put it up in Paris (the big building where everyone gathers). She was very proud of her creation. Isn't it cool?
All dressed up for the show. They put on some skits to show us what their days were like. She even had some very nice red boots to go with the ensemble. (Amy would have been impressed! ;)
And Alec and Kyra were so happy to see her. Can ya tell?
The counselors told me they loved having her there. They said, "she has to come back next year!" Several told me that they loved her enthusiasm to learn and her level headedness and maturity level. OK, I'm bragging, but so what, a mom's gotta do that right? We're so glad she's home. And so glad she had a great time. We were laying on my bed together and she said she hated to be away from us and home but she also loved being at camp. She wishes it was easier but is glad she loves home and has the home she has. It is mighty painful sometimes, homesickness. Yet, she knows she can come home and she also knows if it isn't worth going away we'll make the language learning happen one way or another. It's all up to her.
I'm grinning ear to ear as if it were my kid! I don't even know her. It's just so cool to see a teenager loving their home and siblings and learning, and I love the idea of language camp for my want-to- learn- languages kids as well. That mural is awesome.
AW....I'm glad she had such a great time. I'm not sure how to handle all this "away from home" stuff right now. Trevor is gone for the week and I miss him terribly. He's talking about moving out this fall. What's a Mum to do? Celebrate his new adventures and then cry.;)
Oh my gosh Ren, moving out?? Waaaa!
I suppose it happens, I just can't think about it right now. I guess I have a few more years...but they go so quick!
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