Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Portal.. wow

Alec found another cool new game. It's called Portal and it comes in a bundle with Half Life 2, Half Life Episode 1 and 2, and Team Fortress 2.

He found it from looking for Half Life Episode 2. They released 'The Orange Box' last night and he had a blast playing Portal.

Here's the description for Portal from their site:

Portal™ is a new single player game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the most innovative new games on the horizon and will offer gamers hours of unique gameplay.

The game is designed to change the way players approach, manipulate, and surmise the possibilities in a given environment; similar to how Half-Life® 2’s Gravity Gun innovated new ways to leverage an object in any given situation.

Players must solve physical puzzles and challenges by opening portals to maneuvering objects, and themselves, through space.


It's soo cool. I had a hard time understanding some of it. Alec explained and that helped. He said it was so much fun playing with physics. His explanations were full of "momentum" and "force".

It's funny too. Some very witty comments from the robot narrator ;)

Take a peek


Deanne said...

Joseph just heard the video as I was looking at it and came over to see what it was. He said, "It looks like orange box." I have no idea what that is! When I read the description at Portal's site, and it said it comes with orange box, he knew that it was available for x-box, pc, and PS3! How he knows all this stuff is always a surprise to me.
He wants an x-box for his birthday (Nov.) so he can play Halo. Now we know another cool game he can play. Thanks for the preview and review. It looks awesome.

Scotty said...

oh, wow. the gravity gun was the best part of HL2! i can't wait to get our network set up... this looks like an incredibly fun game :)

Madeline Rains said...

So over my head, and yet really intriguing. There was outrage recently on a local list about Halo among moms who don't allow gaming in their homes and since their churches are bringing kids in to the church by setting up gaming rooms, the kids are really frustrated that they don't get to play. I recommended _Don't Bother Me Mom I'm Learning_ and talked about our experience with other games but they have all firmly made up their minds. sigh.