Ok, so that doesn't quite go together, but it does describe our last week. We made yet another trip. This time a short one, up to Duluth, (ok, over to Duluth *g*). Tim had a conference there so we tagged along. We've been there lots of times but never have toured the Glensheen mansion. We thought it was time and thought the kids would get into it too.
Here's a picture of the mansion, this is the view from Lake Superior. That's Abbi sitting on the lawn. If you ever get a chance to check this place out, do it. It was so cool to see. It was built right at the turn of the century and we were all amazed at the innovativeness that was evident through the house. Yeah, they have a LOT of money but also had a LOT of thought and creativeness going on too. They have a central vac! In 1903??? wow.. oh and very cool recess lighting in one room that looked like stain glass covers over the lights. Wow!

OK, now to the murder. Before leaving for Duluth I decided I better look up what had happened. I had heard that a murder had taken place in the mansion, but didn't know the details. Pretty sad scenario. (Well,, what murder isn't sad, but this was especially,,)An elderly woman was murdered along with her nurse by her son-in-law and her daughter was probably part of the plot too. Some of the details are here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_CongdonI picked up a book on it to get more details.
http://www.amazon.com/Glensheens-Daughter-Marjorie-Congdon-Story/dp/1893088340Pretty interesting read. Very sad. The kids and I had a lot of talks about sociopaths, mental illness and greed.
Here's another picture out front at the fountain.

And tube riding. :) We stayed at a hotel that had a cool water park in it. Water slides with tubes and without; and also a lazy river tube ride. Kyra LOVED it. Alec and Abbi enjoyed it but Kyra really loves the swimming stuff right now.
Relaxin on the lazy river~

Abbi too~