Last week we went to the High Museum in Atlanta and had an amazingly great time. Not only did we marvel at the Monet exhibit, but we also were entertained by a jazz band at lunch. Also, while eating and enjoying the music we got the treat of a group of dancers who decided to stop by. I caught a little bit on video (with my new super phone!) You'll also see our friends Jake and Rachel with us. They visited us last week. We had a great time!
Abbi was in awe of the exhibit. The mural of Water Lilies was amazing.
They're still there but I have a feeling it won't be long now.
Look at the guy on the left, he's decided to find a little extra space on the pillar, out of the nest, don't fall buddy! And then look at the 2 on the right, the outside one has his wing around the other one. Close quarters will make you cozy up!
We keep jumping up on our chair that's in the piano room to check on our birds, wondering when they'll fly. We'll let you know when it happens :)
And our kids too. I know people say it all the time and I'm one of them. It's so startling some days, usually when I'm seeing them the first time for the day it really strikes me.. can they have grown up this big already?
Alec is going to apply to Gamestop, I'm really excited for him. I think he'd be so awesome at helping people at a store like that. We've been talking about interviewing, what kind-of questions they might ask, what clothes to wear, those kinds of things. He's been practicing driving too which is a new feeling for me.. and another.. eek, he's old enough to do that?? He came up to me earlier this week and told me that he thought he was there. There??.. hmm.. I really wasn't sure what he was talking about but he told me he was feeling ready. I think maybe he was referring to some talks we had had the last couple of years when he would tell me he sometimes worried about jobs or the future. I would reassure him and tell him that I was pretty sure that he would figure out something and that it would come to him at the right time. I'd tell him that I thought he should keep doing what he loves and that I really believed that what he was doing would lead to something.
He also went on to say that he thought he was probably going to quit WoW, wanted to apply to Gamestop and he wanted to work on his handwriting. Wow! He said he's been thinking a lot and planning. He was excited and happy in telling me these things. What a cool kid :)
I did make a suggestion and say that he could keep his character around so he could play it casually if he wanted to, or .. maybe.. he would like to transfer over to the realm where the girls and I play! hehe...
I love these little realizations that our kids have, I feel so fortunate to be a part of their experience.
We were gone for the week-end and I wondered if our baby birds would be gone when we got back, but they're not! They do look like they'll be taking off soon though.
And... there are 5 up there!
We've discovered some interesting facts about these birds. Both parents feed them and sat on the nest when they were tiny or hatching. And the more interesting/gross fact -- the parent will keep the nest clean by grabbing birdy poo and flying away... efficient, but we were kind-of in a ... ewwww stage while watching.
Last week I was worried that they were going to fall out because they looked so unaware of their surroundings, kind-of wobbling around; now they seem to know right where they are, they even turn around when they have to do their duty, as to not get it in the nest.. only on my porch.
The little family we've been watching. A little blurry but still so cute. Babies' heads resting on the edge of the nest, see them?
The nest is on the top of a post on our front porch.
I love watching birds. These ones are bluebirds, and that's new for us northerners. We didn't see many of them up in Minnesota.
Waiting for momma or daddy to return with food. There are 4 babies.
Early Saturday morning, Tim, Abbi and I trekked up to Helen GA. Helen is a town about an hour north of us that was built to resemble a German alpine village. Check out the buildings in the pictures, it's really fun visiting there, like a quick visit to Germany :) But we weren't visiting Helen to look at the buildings or check out the quaint shops, we were there to see hot air balloons. The Helen to the Atlantic Balloon Race was going on and fortunately for us it had rained Thursday and Friday so the balloons were taking off on Saturday morning.
Abbi loved this group of balloons.
It was really cool to see.
After we got our fill of balloons we found a German cafe and had a yummy breakfast. I had fried battered apple slices that were so yummy.