We joined forces this weekend with the Lovejoys, to celebrate Alec's and Duncan's birthday. They each invited a few friends join in the celebrations and Kelly and Ben were gracious enough to host the festivities :)
Here are the guys! Happy Birthday Duncan and Alec!
Most of the Bowman crew were there (minus Scotty who had to work) and they furnished the bunch of us with glorious hats.
Here's Duncan... pimpin' out

And Kelly
Kyra looking like a perfectly adorable gift
On our way home we had a treat.
We thought "treat" as the snow started falling. It was so pretty, big fluffy clumps of snow. But then we got to the interstate and it was less than a treat and more like a threat. How quickly we forget the dangers of snow and speeding cars. We saw 5 accidents all within a 1/2 hour of time. 2 before we got to the interstate and 3 on the interstate. Not so fun. We did get home safe and sound, thanks to Tim's experienced driving skills and we were then able to be excited about the snow again.