I'd like to start blogging more again, but then I'm not sure where to start. That's what stops me in my tracks. I hate to leave anything out, but then I realize there will always be some things left out. So I'll just stay simple (that's what I shoot for anyway) and post a few tidbits that are present in my mind... or on my memory card...
So.... fall was upon us, as was Abbi's 15th birthday. 15! No way!
And other big news for her... yes, she's a permit driver

Alec and Abbi got to go to a Metallica concert in October and Clint, being the super cool guy that he is, agreed to take them.. (really thank you Clint! I couldn't have handled that group in concert!) They all returned from the concert with raspy voices and .. "IT WAS AWESOME AND AMAZING" eeping from their mouths. If they could have yelled it would have been in caps.
Also in October we met up with lots of friends in Isle of Palms, SC. Qacei Gold, Chloe and MJ Maier flew into the Atlanta area a few days before and so we were very lucky and got to enjoy them a bit before too. Here are some glimpses from those fun days.
Qacei and Kyra decided to get the Lincoln Logs out.. they're so fun!
Chloe was set for the drive to the beach with her Tomato Soup Chronicles! Can you tell we were packed to the gills.. (weird phrase but it fits..)
Beach time
And of course playing Bananagrams is a must!
And cross-dressing ...

Building a sand fortress... before the tide comes up.. hurry!!
Going to Where the Wild Things Are.. which we really liked.
And..saying our good-byes is always hard

We all had a great time.
I'm going to end this post here and next time I'll bring it all up to speed with Halloween, ARGH and now we're getting ready for a visit from Tim's parents.
Hope all is well with everyone out there, Life is still good here at the Traaseths :)
love it all!!!
Pretty cool to see fall wrapped up in a short post, it has been a lot of fun!BTW, it was my pleasure going to Metallica with Alec and Abbi, I would definitely do it again!
I love seeing your past few months of activity and fun! You guys have been on-the-go! We missed Metallica here, but Mer and Jesse are going to Megadeth Saturday night at the National. And Mer and Owen have plans to see Rise Against there in December. Good big sister. :)
Great fall wrap up! Love all the pics.
Sounds swell! Thanks for hosting our wacky chirrens!
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