Tim and I have been married for 19 years today, wow! Time sure does fly :)
We've actually been together for a lot longer than that though. We met in gym class when we were 15. That's the first we talked anyway, I remember him from 8th grade Democracy class, he doesn't remember me though :P
We became friends then but weren't really that interested in each other. I thought Brian Stone was cute and he had nice legs. He was in between Tim and me, in our squads (group thingies). Tim had made a decision that he wouldn't date anyone until he turned 16 and could drive. So we knew each other but were just friends. We'd talk, but not a whole lot, I'm not much of a flirter and I wasn't much of a talker to boys.
So how did we get together? My friend Mindy was quite, let's say assertive :) I think she'd talk to Tim or have someone talk to Tim and say "you should ask Kelli Storsved out" and she'd say to me "I think you guys would make a great couple". I even remember laying by her at her house for a sleepover at that same time and get this.. I say "I think Tim and I would have really cute kids!" And she replies "Yes!" I'm crazy aren't I? Not even dating the guy but having his kids???
Well, needless to say, we were right, I think my kids are pretty ding-dang cute.
So I'm thankful to Mindy and to Tim for asking me out. He made the move :) although he wasn't the one to make the move for our first kiss!
This isn't our first, it's at our groom's dinner. Aren't we cute?
Happy Anniversary to my honey, I'm so glad you're in my life.
We're getting ready to go to Minnesota. We'll be flying up there tomorrow afternoon. It's been almost a year since we've been back, more accurately, it'll be a year the beginning of July, a long time anyway, for us to not see a lot of our family and friends.
We'll be flying into Minneapolis, visiting with friends and family. So excited to meet my new great niece.. or is it grand niece? Anyway, my niece and her husband had a baby girl so that's one priority we have.. SEE.. NEW... BABY! :) Then we'll head up to Grand View Lodge which is a resort in Brainerd MN, and hang out with most of Tim's family. We're all anxious to see family and enjoy the lakes in that area. There's also a very cool pool house that we enjoy too.
Memorial Day we'll head over to the Fargo-Moorhead area to stay there through the week. Hopefully we'll see more family and friends while there too. Fun fun!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone and it's back to packing for me!
I had a great day yesterday. We decided to give the Georgia Renaissance Festival a go. I love festivals but sometimes it ends up being too hot, since many are held in the summer, or too crowded. Well, yesterday ended up being neither, it was a great day :)
Tim was excited to be there too!
I'm not going to write much because Abbi wrote about it last night, and quite eloquently at that! So go check out her account of the day.... here.
We went up to Tennessee this week to celebrate some birthdays. Quite a few fall in the same weeks so we decided to gather together for a happy birthday time.
Here are the birthday peoples getting ready for cake!
Sierra, Samuel, Karina, Kyra, Sadie
We had lots of fun.
Just hanging out and talking is always something we like to do.
In fact, when I asked Kyra if there was anything in particular that she would like to do at this party she said, "hmm, not really. I just really like being with my friends." They really are happy being together.
I think they like making faces.
Hanging... done with style, right? Or this could be titled "expressions"
We brought some canvases to paint on for each of the birthday people. Here they are being worked on.
Ren shared her gift of make-up artistry.
Just beautiful.
We also celebrated this wonderful couple's anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Clint and Wendy!
We feel so fortunate to have such wonderful friends. It was a great time!
Madeline tagged me and you're supposed to take a picture of yourself.. right NOW! No primping, no nothin'. I don't usually wear make up so this shouldn't be too bad now should it?
Hmmm, and here I am, right after watching On Golden Pond and telling Abbi and Tim about this tag.
Look at that cool necklace.. made by a certain talented artist... and I'm gonna tag her, cuz she'll soooo love it.... *cough*