I can't believe you're turning 12! 12 years since I had my first sweet daughter. What a gift you are.
Man,,its been 10 years since these pictures. The one on the left is on her 2nd birthday. And the one on the right is at the beach, the summer before her 2nd birthday.
So sweet.Happy Birthday Abbidoo. :)
I don't know if I'm happy or sad to be home. Nice to be home, yet, so miss all of our unschooling buddies.What an amazing adventure we had. Not only did we go to the Live and Learn Conference, we then got to hang with unschooling families longer and continue on to the Grand Canyon. :D Nice.The conference, as always, is one of the most amazing experiences that our family has each year. I tend to get a bit overwhelmed, there are lots of people, but the kids just love it, so we will be travelling to NC next year for it. :D I just have to find some quiet time amidst the excitement. We will be at a YMCA camp in the Black Moutains next year, so that'll be a cool change.The hotel this year was awesome. Big enough facility and really cool/nice to all of the attendees. We even had a security guy bring sodas to the kids who were up late. No clucking or complaints from the hotel at all! :DHere's Abbi with some friends.
More later....